Develop for CRM with Mitch Milam

Mitch MilamEpisode 37 where Markus Erlandsson talks to Mitch Milam from xRM Coaches about how to develop for CRM. What is important and how to get started, as well as talking about tools to help you.

xRM Coaches Webinars
Explorer! for Dynamics CRM
Teaching Tuesdays
DYNAMICS CRM Team Development Best Practices Video
xRM Coaches on YouTube
Mitch on LinkedIn
Jason Lattimers CRM Rest Builder Post, and actual Tool

Top 10 tips for successfully implement CRM with Gustaf Westerlund

Gustaf WesterlundEpisode 36, Markus talks to Gustaf Westerlund on how you implement CRM. Gustaf gives his top 10 tips on how to be successful.

Gustafs blog post
CRM UG webinar
CRM UG Congress

Being an Entrepreneur with Therese Lorentzon


Episode 35: Markus Erlandsson talks to Therése Lorentzon about being an Entrepreneur and how you think about customers. What is your customer focus and how do you keep the balance when everything is on you?


CRM Conference with John Verdon and Christy Spokely

Christy Spokely
John Verdon
Episode 34: Markus Erlandsson talks to John Verdon and Christy Spokely from Extreme CRM about CRM Conference.

The discussion starts with why I should go to a conference and continues with what I might gain from going.

Extreme CRM Site
LinkedIn Group

Chisty Spokely’s links
LinkedIn, email

Johns Verdon’s links:
LinkedIn, email

State of Dynamics CRM in 2015 with Jukka Niiranen

Jukka Niiranen
Episode 33: Markus Erlandsson talks to Jukka Niiranen from Digital Illustrated about the state of Dynamics CRM in 2015. Starting with looking backwards on all that happened. Then looking into the future with CRM 2016.

State of Dynamics CRM 2015 blog post

Jukka’s links:
MVP Page, LinkedIn, Surviving CRM Blog

TypeScript and JavaScript with David Berry

David BerryEpisode 32: Markus Erlandsson talks to David Berry about TypeScript, JavaScript and the new WEB API in Dynamics CRM. David explains why you should use TS and what the benefits are.


Azure AD Authentication Library for .NET

Davids links:
LinkedIn, MVP Page, CRM Blog

CRM UG with Tony Stein

Tony Stein

Episode 31: Markus Erlandsson talks to Tony Stein from CRM UG about User Groups.
What do I gain from attending? And more.


Being a CRM consutant with Salim Adamon

Salim Adamon
Episode 30: Markus Erlandsson talks to Salim Adamon about Being a CRM consultant. Salim talks about what’s important and how to get there.

Salims Blog

Coaching CRM with Rick McCutcheon

Rick McCutcheon
Episode 29: Markus Erlandsson talks to Rick McCutcheon about Coaching in CRM. What is coaching? How can I use it to implement my CRM or revitalize my CRM efforts? Rick explains and talks about what’s important to focus on.

LinkedIn Profile

Building a Brand with Jens Almgren

Jens AlmgrenEpisode 29: How do I build a brand? Does it make any difference if it’s a personal brand just about me or a business brand for my company? Jens Almgren comes on the show to sort things out and tell the story about building a new business and two new brands. Both a personal brand and a business brand at the same time.