Dual write with Yannick Reekmans

Yannick Reekmans

Episode 136: Markus Erlandsson and Malin Martnes chatted with Yannick Reekmans from Qubix about Dual write. Yannick starts by explaining what Dual write is, what it is supposed to do and how it functions, then he begins to explain how the lack of documentation is making it hard to work with this great technology, harder than it needs to be.


Yannick a Microsoft 365 & Business Applications MVP was born and raised in SharePoint, starting his career in 2011 when SharePoint 2010 was still new and shiny. The changing reality of the cloud made him expand his knowledge to the whole of Microsoft 365, Azure, and Power Platform.

Yannick is a Managing Partner and Cloud Solution Architect at Qubix, a Belgium-based consultancy firm, responsible for the technical underpinnings of products and solutions. Problem-solving and development are his passions, and he is still working day-to-day with code.

Yannick always asks the important questions: How does it work? What do you want to achieve? Does it have an API? Do we really need development for this? Where’s the coffee?



