PCF in 2023 with Diana Birkelbach

Diana Birkelbach

Episode 127: Markus Erlandsson and Heidi Neuhauser engage in a discussion with Diana Birkelbach from Orbis regarding what is new in PCF. Diana provides insights into the evolution of PCFs lately and how they have changed towards the better, she then continues to go through the different variants to help us understand.


Diana Birkelbach is a Microsoft Business Application MVP from Germany. She works as a Principal Software Architect at ORBIS SE. She has over 20 years of experience in web development, working with Dynamics 365 right from the beginning (back then Microsoft CRM v1.2). She is focused on the ProDev aspects of the Power Platform, being enthusiastic about Power Apps Component Framework (PCF) development. You can call her PCFLady.
Find her answering questions in the “Power Apps Pro Dev & ISV” Forum, blogging on her “Dianamics” blog site (dianabirkelbach.wordpress.com), sharing videos on YouTube (/youtube.com/@pcflady), and sharing PCF controls on https://pcf.gallery/.







PCF in 2020 with Scott Durow

Scott Durow

Episode 92: Markus Erlandsson talks to Scott Durow from Develop1 about PowerApps Component Framework and how it has developed into what is today in 2020. Scott explains what types of Components there are with Field and Dataset and how it fits together with React, Fluent UI, TypeScript. Scott continues to explain how he has used PCF in his recent projects, and how he built them and how PCF is the answer to all of his prayers.


Scott is a Microsoft Business Applications MVP specializing in Dynamics 365. He is a committed and passionate software architect & technologist. Scott is a regular speaker at conferences in the UK and abroad. His software career spans more than 20 years where he has moved from assembly language device driver programming, industrial control software and then into enterprise business applications.
Scott is the author of the Ribbon Workbench for Dynamics CRM/365. He is also the principle author of SparkleXRM, the open-source Rich Client library for Dynamics CRM. He lives near Oxford in the UK with his wife, Kerrie, and three children.




Examples in github: https://github.com/microsoft/PowerApps-Samples/tree/master/component-framework

Soctt Durow on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/skier273




https://10times.com/power-platform-nordic-summit-stockholm, 24 Oct 2020

Powerthon – Power Platform Developer PCF Saturday
Day 1
where Scott comes in:

Day 2